
(July 2, 2014)
On July 2 the class visited the KGU Kyudo Club at their Kyudo range.

Our visit began with the club members performing a Kyudo demonstration for us. It was interesting to get to see the martial art in person.

We then split into three groups and learned about Kyudo, the range, the dojo, and the bow.

Not only was it interesting to get to learn about the form and function of firing the bow, but also learning about the bow itself.

Next we went to a back room and got to try firing the bows into close targets, as a hands on experience of the Martial Art.

Finally, we got the opportunity to try Kyudo on the range, albeit quite closer than the club members were firing.

Overall, it was an excellent opportunity to learn about Kyudo from its practitioners. It was also great to get to learn about the form, and being able to try it out for ourselves. This was certainly a highlight of this class.

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